TEMPT Vanilla Syrup 750ml


This delicious TEMPT Vanilla Syrup is the perfect way to add a bit of sweetness and flavor to your favorite drinks, desserts, or other recipes. Made with real ingredients like sugar cane syrup and natural vanilla extract for an authentic taste that‘s sure to please everyone. This 750ml bottle contains no preservatives or artificial colors so you can enjoy it knowing it was made from allnatural components. Enjoy!


TEMPT Vanilla Syrup is a delicious and authentic 750ml syrup, made from natural ingredients. With its rich flavor of Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans blended with cane sugar, this syrup brings out the best in any culinary creation! Enjoy it as an accompaniment to desserts or breakfast dishes for added sweetness and depth. It‘s also great for adding extra flavor to coffee drinks like lattes or cappuccinos without being overly sweet. So go ahead Tempt yourself today!